Which life would you prefer? One where the better part of yourself lives a simple existence? Even if that existence is not real and call into question everything you thought you knew. Or the life rooted in truth of who and what your are and where you came from? This is a story about escapism, about fear, about death. About love. Given all that we know, all that we can see, we can still question what are dreams and realities and which is better to live in.

Klune is a beautiful unique writer of this slow burn layered story that took a familiar other worldly idea and turned it into something more. More than what I expected. It’s psychological mystery meets science fiction meets Levin’s

The Stepford Wives meets Golding’s Lord of the Flies. The novel culminates The Matrix like guiding ideas and give a Twelve Monkeys feel. If you know these works and films then you’ll like this book and its under tones

We meet Mike, perfect in all that ways that just are. Sean is perfect for Mike in all the ways it’s suppose to be. They love frustrating slow and sure. This isn’t a traditional love but a growth of love that ultimately reveals who a person really is and what a person is willing to do in the name of love.