Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Heir to a coffee shop empire, Joel is in Lavender Shores to secure a property for their flagship store. Andrew was only supposed to be a bit of fun while in town. But then the overnight stay turns into a weekend, and Joel finds himself in far deeper with Andrew than he ever imagined could be; Joel knows when he leaves, and he HAS to leave, it won’t only break Andrew’s heart, Joel’s will be shattered too.

First person, multi point of view is not my most favourite way for a book to be written but I quite liked it here. Didn’t love it, but I liked it. It got me a little more into both man’s mind.

While It’s very clear that Joel is hiding something from Andrew, it’s not immediately clear what that is. I liked being kept waiting.

I’m not one for declarations of love so early on, and it happens here. Put me off a little bit, to be honest.

BUT! major points for not shortened Andrew, not at all!

A really easy read, one of those you can fall into, and lose the world around you, and before you know it, you’ve finished the book and it did not seem like the 200 odd pages listed on Goodreads. A touch long for a usual hangover cure book, but it landed in my queue just at the right time to be classed as one. I’ve filed it as such.

I have book two to read shortly. I am looking forward to that because there are hints here to what happened to Gilbert, Andrew’s best friend. And I want to know more. I’m thinking, from those hints, that book might have a little more bite.

3 GOOD solid stars.

Audio Review.
Kirt Graves narrates this book.

I tried to listen to another of his work and I did not like it. Not because of the narration, that was because of the other book. So I was a little wary going in, but I am so glad I gave him another chance!
I am finding, much to my surprise, I am loving listening to first person/multi point of view books! Strange because I don’t usually like to READ books written like that. But I LOVED Graves’ narration here!
His voices for Andrew and Joel were clearly different, and each chapter was told in the respective voice required. Graves reading voice is deep and even, and other voices are clearly defined, and I had no trouble following multi person conversations. He managed to get across all the emotions that I maybe missed reading. Because I found I enjoyed this book so much more by listening to it!
And because of that, I’m upgrading my original star rating for the book from 3 to 4 stars.
4 stars for the book,
4 stars for the narration
4 stars overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**