2.5 stars for the story, r/u to 3 because I liked the narrator.

This was extremely meh to me. They started out sounding like teenagers and Sebastian is in his 30s! I could maybe give the age thing to Tristan because elite athletes are not expected or encouraged to grow up, ever, but not to a 30+ y/o professor. Beyond that they took so many risks it was ridiculous. I don’t watch pro sports other than it being on when I’m around and I know tons if players and details about their lives. This acts like well-known players can do anything they want in public and no one is going to notice. Yeah, no. Other discrepancies in reality bugged me as well.

Ironically, the one thing I did like about this was it made me understand the excitement of hockey, a sport I’m extremely dismissive of because of the fighting that used to be standard. I realize that has changed, but it still bugs me that it was condoned. But this made me ask if we had a minor league team we could go watch because it actually sounded like fun.

So, romance … 2? Hockey … 4. Narrator … 4.