
Every story in the Lavender Shores series is a jewel in its own right and draws me further into that wonderful fictional world. With every book in this amazing series my expectations become higher and yet every new book keeps surpassing them.

I love love love the vulnerability in each of the MC’s, however outwardly strong or self-assured they might seem at first glance.

Lamont Price, aka Ginger Peach, stole my heart with his gentle nature and open-mindedness. He worries so much for others and is so careful not to offend or hurt anyone. I felt sad for him, because he’s so insecure, painfully so, but it’s also what makes him human and very easy to empathize with. Body positivity is a great thing to aspire to, but easier said than done, and having your own mother leave you when you’re just a little kid would do a number on anyone.

Lamont and Tyler have both been disappointed in love, but they dealt with it very differently. Lamont closed himself off and spent years alone, whereas Tyler jumped into the physical side of things with abandon and refused to open himself up to anything that even resembled an actual relationship.

When they meet, both men start to bend their rules and tentatively take a chance on each other.

Tyler is very playful and direct, though not as open as perhaps he should be. Which will come back to bite him in the ass… poor guy. It’s a trainwreck that you can see coming a mile away, and it was as painful and emotional as I feared.

I do wish they could have been spared this dramatic reveal and the ensuing heartbreak. It serves its purpose in the road these two must travel, of course, and makes the HEA so much sweeter when it does come. Masterfully written!!Though I might have hated the author for a very little while. Poor Tyler and Lamont.

The shipwreck, and all it symbolizes, makes for an important theme in the book. I especially loved the scene where Lamont first shows the shipwreck to Tyler. It’s such a sweet and tender moment and it really brings them closer together.

Robert and Debbra are awesome in this story. Both protective and supportive of their eldest in the sweetest way. The ice cream scene made me tear up. Go Debbra!

I also loved all the little romantic moments in this story, the candles, the love letter, and the way Tyler’s and Lamont’s love for each other shines through in their art. Swoon…

This was an amazing read. Can’t wait to get started on the next book in this series!


Kirt Graves is now one of my all-time favorite narrators. He’s so great at bringing emotion to a story. I love that he doesn’t just focus on the MC’s voices, but also makes sure that each secondary character comes across very clearly and recognizably.