Bleed: An MM Shifter Romance: Flesh and Bone, Book 2
By Joel Abernathy
Narrated by Kirt Graves 8h 1m

Narrator score? : Kirt graves is the freaking best !!!! No matter what he does, his work….. is the best!!!! the accent, he kept all through the whole book was incredible ! the voices!!!! he gave each character …and kept them from book 1 …was absolutely amazing! Andre grew Older…. but his voice changed just a notch…. as it should be with a kid he’s… just the best

Level of steam?: okay… the book is hot!!!! very hot !!! but you will have to wait as in book 1… but the level of sex tension in this book is freaking on a 2000 degrees!!!!! very very hot ….and the fact that the author chose the intimate moments as heartbreaking ones was absolutely incredible…..

Level of anxiety and sadness??: I remind you I’m a crybaby ….because I don’t know if you will cry in this book I did but I’m a freaking cry baby ….I’m crying from everything …. Happy moments, sad moments ,I don’t know if you kill a fly I will probably cry… so I did cry ??but now serious…. there was a very particular anxiety moments but ,I don’t think that the anxiety or what happened touched my strings as much as Nikolai and Mason relationship did… I really wanted to kill Nikolai and it’s not a spoiler if you read the first book…. but you will understand in by the end…

The book itself?: okay , the book was freaking incredible…. I love it very very much it’s a standalone…. but! and it’s the big but ! don’t read this book or listened to this book before you listened to the first story …’s very important… you probably will understand what happened from sentences here and there… but you will not enjoy the same as if you read the first book…. sometimes I’m not usually if it’s a standalone I’m nktnnagging about it ….. but the two books are so good… the anxiety levels are goodmmmm it’s like a movie in your head… and I love it… I think a big part of it is Kirt ….so if you want to listen to this book do yourself a big favor and listen to The First One !
if you will ask me what book is more of my likingmm… I will not be able to answer you I think the book that I will like the best will be about Andre and **** (it’s a spoiler and it’s only in my mind I’m not sure of that ..but I would love to hear their story)