One of the opening lines “When I Thought Things Were Getting Better… I Was Wrong” was so perfect for this book. It really sets the tone and keeps the tensions high. Dark Hope is the fourth book in the Still Surviving series and it throws the family into some more conflict (this time from the finale of book three).

Craven is able to tell a story that feels similar since this is a series but also takes a slightly different approach. Due to some news that Wes is given, perspectives are changing and there is more to live for. That, of course, doesn’t stop Wes and Raider from running into the fire without a suit. They are born leaders who don’t want to sit behind a desk and rule. They want to be out there fixing things. Making things better. And turning the hellscape of a world into a slightly less scary one.

The drama was still here. The KGR connections are in full swing and there is a lot of issue related to the group and their members. Every time they think they’re safe more bad things happen and Wes and company take things into their own hands to take care of the issues.

Overall, another good book in this series and a nice post-apocalyptic/homesteader book with the right amount of action and drama. A book that feels like home even if home is bit of a scary place sometimes.