Though this series is ultimately about saving the multiverse from an insidious threat, this first book somehow manages to feel very narrowly focused. It loses a lot of the feeling of exploration that the book begins with, and the leveling system is horribly stunted. If you’re a LitRPG fan, this book would be fine if your cue is empty and you need something to pass the time. If you’ve ever listened to any really good GameLit though, the 5-star reviews are pretty ludicrous… Here we have another MC who is slow on the uptake and his character is painted with a broad and unsubtle brush.

Not sure why so many GameLit authors think dummy MC’s are so interesting. When the characters have the same information as the reader and yet can’t connect the obvious dots it makes you just want to punch someone in the face. I know I’m not the only one who’s been getting fed up with this trend in the genre.

To sum it all up, this is a solid 3-star book. It’s fine as filler when your wishlist is thin and you can’t find anything to get excited about.