The book itself was…ok. The premise was great but character development and plot were not….not the worst I’ve read but I didn’t find myself really rooting for the main characters or eagerly awaiting the next chapter. There were times the writing was so dry I felt like I was reading a police report. I nearly gave up half way through. It got a little better in the second half but I felt like the book ended abruptly…clearly expecting you to pick up the next book in the series. I haven’t yet decided if I care enough to purchase it…which is very unusual for me.
The narrator would have been great for another book…but not this one. Maybe it’s just me but since the main character (admittedly, not the only character) is a college-aged woman, it seemed a poor choice to have it read by an older, gravelly-voiced man. Again, might just be me but I found it off-putting.