Adrienne Wilder builds a dark and intriguing world, and Kirt Graves makes it come alive in the audio version of NoX. The characters, the story line, the romance! From the moment this one starts, the pace is fantastic, and I can’t think of a better way to enjoy it than by listening to the stunning audio version of NoX.

Kirt Graves’ rough and gravelly voice is absolutely perfect for Nox. He’s forceful and domineering, but when the romance starts up in earnest? Ohmygod! Nox is a demon in the bedroom, and Kirt Graves absolutely nails it. Afraid and bewildered early in the story, Luca gradually evolves into a confident, capable young man, and Mr. Graves portrays this transition beautifully.

The premise that scientists are exploring unorthodox ways to cure fatal illness, or even dabbling with resurrecting the dead, is frighteningly close to reality. Adrienne Wilder cleverly blends Egyptian lore with modern science and a touch of magic, to create an event that’s just close enough to possible to make my skin crawl.

This is an intricate story, alternating between the present day and flashbacks to earlier events. Told from both Luca and Nox’s points of view, we get their perspectives on their growing understanding of the mystery, as well as their blossoming love affair.

Wilder also includes Dr. Reese Dante’s story. As one of the original scientists on the project, his descriptions of how the Anubis Project developed are key to the story line. Reese is an intriguing character. I love his emotional account as he reveals previous events throughout the novel, and he has a strong sense of values and a huge heart.

I can’t possibly review this novel without praising Adrienne Wilder’s incredible skill at writing erotic love scenes. The chemistry they create between Nox and Luca is intense, and the sex between these two men goes beyond explosive. NoX is an absolutely gorgeous romance.

No one builds a better series than Adrienne Wilder, and with the way the story wraps up I’m hopeful more stories in this universe are on the way. I’d love to see where Nox and Luca go from here, but I’ve got a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Dr. Dante… fingers crossed!