I loved this sequel to Hidden in Darkness, a story made real by the distinct voices of the very talented Joel Leslie. I’m not sure which is my favorite character: Felix with his hyper personality and oddball sense of humor or Lane with his steadfast, logical presence and his dry sense of humor—the straight man to Felix’s antics. But in this installment, though humor gets them through some tumultuous times, the situations they find themselves in are serious, and they have to fight for survival.

In fact, there are hair-raising adventures and a race against the clock for Felix to keep Lane from drowning as a madman has him locked in a tank into which water is slowly running. Felix’s creativity and ingenuity are the only tools he has to save his love’s life. (view spoiler)

Felix’s brother keeps coming to Felix for help and Felix acts out the definition of insanity as he keeps going back to helping him again and again and expecting a different result. And his brother? He’s no Felix and there were (many) moments when I wanted to smack him. Lane’s family, though? They are rock solid, loving, funny, warm, and giving, and they’ve embraced Felix as their own.

All these characters come to life with very different personalities and the voices to go with them due to Joel’s ability to split his personality into a hundred different people when he’s performing. Can you tell he’s a favorite? Yes, I have no doubt I’d have enjoyed the story anyway, but the experience was so much better in audio. Thanks for another outstanding performance, Joel. I can’t wait for more antics from Lane and Felix.