There’s nothing necessarily wrong with having annoying characters.

The issue arises when the author doesn’t seemingly realise how annoying they are, and writes the world around them accordingly.

I dipped out so early that I can’t remember the Fairy’s name, let’s just call her Na’vi. No connection. I swear.

As I said before, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with annoying characters. I take huge issue with annoying characters that aren’t treated/ acknowledged as annoying. The protagonist’s voice is the vocal equivelant of ‘walking on egg shells,’ he’s extremely awkward, eager to please annoying strangers and, frankly… he comes off like a puppy. Not in a good way.

Combine these two and you get an annoying fairy with nonsensical mood swings and a nothing protagonist falling over himself to please and constantly apologise to her.

The fairy also serves no purpose, just adding salt to the wound. She’s supposed to be a ‘helper,’ but all Ryan (the protag, who has selective amnesia but a fully formed vocabulary and mind, save the memories of his past life) is told to do is basically ‘will x into existence.’

At one point, an adventurer is bemused by the lack of traps. Ryan then asks ‘what are traps?’

The fairy then proceeds to ridicule him and give a textbook description of traps… which Ryan then wills into existence…

You see what I mean? She serves no real purpose, the author just wanted a side kick and created something truly unbearable. As someone who values dialogue above almost all else, it’s pretty damming when I say I’d have much preferred Na’vi be deleted and every scene with the protagonist be internal monologue.

I hate internal monologuing…

This is a hard pass from me, will be getting my credit back.