As cultivating books go this one is unique. It has a magic system not based in a Chinese mountain. The MC is also not as overpowered as Is the case in some novels. This novel is entertaining and Travis Baldree does an excellent job of narrating.

There are some areas of improvement I would recommend. The world the and magic system can be more developed. There are allusions to a time before corporations and the magic systems origins are not well described ( where does it come from, and what is its effect on the culture, other than financial?) The character development is good., but could be a bit better. The MC is too singularly focused on getting stronger to benefit others. Also, other character development was not as strong as it could have been. The main villain is a cliche ( rich kids are always spoiled, entitled, brats and corporations are always evil.) Also, the MC seems to triumph over all adversity despite being an underdog in every situation.
I still enjoyed the book very much and would recommend others listen.