Every have a paper due that has to be 10 pages long? You try increasing the spaces, or other tricks. One trick you might use is to start a sentence with the end of the last sentence. The last sentence begins the next sentence, The next sentence continues even though you are barely saying anything. You are barely saying anything because you barely have anything to say. That is this whole book! Sorry, I just ruined it for you. You can’t unhear it now. The reader is excellent, and the writer could have made this really good. I learned some things, but the author was trying to stretch the book, or when he read it in his head he did the whole thing in a noir mystery voice. I’m sorry John Braddock, I think there is real value here. Please revise this. There is another great book “I Hear You” by Michael Sorensen got and the author said he wasn’t going to fluff it up. It’s great. It’s only 1.5 hours and I’ve listened to it a few times, and I’d pay full price for it. I just can’t get through this one even though I really want to.