Again well written and the narrator excellent as always. Like the previous audiobook there is a new take on a zombie apocalypse one myself never really thought about a women infected who is pregnant and dies while giving birth what about the child. Is the child alive or dead in a world of zombies can healthy children be born by infected or uninfected women. You listen to the story of a father who looses his wife at childbirth and he tries to provide a loving home for the child but at the same time his deceased now zombie wife follows them during the day and going out at night to feed. The father and son keep getting turned away from places that are supposed to be shelter for people who are not infected but no one why this is happening until he is attacked and the child is is taken and he is beaten pretty badly. Afterwards he meets and is save by a girl of 12 who was there and was able to take the baby and hide him. In the story see the cruelty of mankind when they should be trying to help survivors among them is religious leaders, soldiers and just common people who are out for themself. There is one person and her sisters who show humanity to survivors by giving them food, shelter and not judging them.
To find the answer to childbirth you have to listen to this audiobook and be ready for an adventure you find hope and despair, love and sadness.