Did the story keep me engaged: yes

Was I invested in the characters: yes

Would I listen to it again: yes

I’m really conflicted about this book. I wanted so very much to love it, I’ve enjoyed books 1 through 4 and was expecting something spectacular for the final book / opening of the Resort story. I guess my expectations may have been a little too high. Don’t get me wrong – if you look on the surface – it’s 5 star’s: this is a great story, lots going on, likeable characters, good pace and a HEA for everyone, but looking at it deeper,- it’s 3 star’s: I feel like the story was rushed, I was invested in the characters but they had no depth, it went (1) hookup with “chemistry” I didn’t really feel until right at the end (2) a newspaper article declaring us a couple when we’re not (3) pretending to be a couple (4) “the drama happens” then professing or love. The first half hour and the last half hour were excellent, the part in the middle … there are chunks of the “getting to know you” part of the relationship missing. I also find it hard to believe someone who has managed insulin effectively for 20 years would make such a mistake and a CEO couldn’t be so oblivious to how his Board feels to be so blindsided…. so great story with lots of potential – but for me, it was just missing that special something that I usually get from this author.

Austin Jay did a good job on the narration, the emotions and personalities of the characters came through to make an enjoyable audio experience. That being said, I am more familiar with narrators giving distinct voices to the characters, this isn’t that type of narration and there were times when I lost track of which character was speaking.