The “Everybody Loves Large Chests” series is a guilty pleasure of mine. I have hundreds of books in my Audible library clamoring for attention, but this is one of the very few series where I would immediately want to purchase and listen to new entries as soon as they come out. The series tends to unapologetically be fan fiction level, dark kinky erotica. The quality is far from perfect, there’s a high degree of sexual content, and it can be mildly disturbing at times, but it is nonetheless engaging. The junk food of writing.

“Morgana,” on the other hand, felt very different. I feel like the quality of the writing and the editing was markedly improved. There was more attention paid to the audio production – more voices, more sound effects.

There was practically no sexual content to speak of. Just a few brief hints, nods to the patterns of the previous books without exploring them in any depth. It was almost as if even those allusions were pushed in around a story.

Oh, and I loved the reveal near the beginning of the book. That was great.

The series seems to be reinventing itself, which is throwing me off a bit – but it IS a good book, and thoroughly enjoyable. I definitely recommend it. If you really enjoyed the perversions of the first few books – well, this won’t have much of that, but it’s still a good book. If the sexual nature of the other books put you off, then you might like this one more.