Again the author wrote a very good book and narrator brought it to life as usual. This is the first audiobook to tell the story of an apocalyptic event caused by a meteor from space that landed in Peru and show varies ways person were turned into zombies in the audiobook the original zombies are created by inhaling the fumes from the meteor and slowly it moved to the biting of other persons and also you see that both human, animals, birds and rats are turned into zombies. Of the most dangerous zombies are the children who move faster and in someway seem to fly.
No one is safe from the infection because after being bitten you did not automatically turn and some continued to look normal and act normal but still had the urge to bite and the hunger for flesh but could control their urge and some could even save a person from others to get them to a safe place and then request to be put down because they did not want to be this kind if person.
Also you see the attempts of the military, CDC to find cures or weapons to kill the zombies if they felt they could not hold out against them some worked and others made the problem even worse.
I highly recommend this audiobook it will make you think and keep you on the edge of your seat and at the same time fall in love with each and ever character.
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