An excellent addition to the gamelit genre, especially for fans of the game “Ark”. Gamers, imagine if your Ark player character was a real person, and u were reading a story based on his adventures, and u will be pretty close to this book.

Those weird mechanics that u thot about while playing Ark?
Yep. These characters run into them and probably wonder the same things u did about them. Like the question of why food spoils over time in ur inventory, but a torch is still lit and ready to go the moment u pull it out?

And, of course, that thing every ark player hates: spending loads of time slowly building up ur new settlement from nothing, only to suddenly get raided and lose everything to another larger and much more advanced tribe.

Great book. Great narration. Great story. I highly recommend it to any reader, whether u r already an avid fan or r new to both gamelit genre and Ark, this book will appeal to most anyone. Fans of Ark will probably find extra relatable tho.