The story is pablum. The characters are shallow, stupid, unlikable, and inconsistently portrayed.

The protagonist has super human strength, speed, intelligence, looks, and constitution – nothing in the book presents any conflict or challenge; except possibly having to carry on under the burden of his own awesomeness, and having to come down to level of his ‘team’.

The team is supposed to consist of the best of the best in all things: brilliant, super attractive, or of unparalleled skill. Naturally, the hero immediately treats them as stupid, useless burdens to be tolerated through patronizing condescension, or hypocrisy.

Leadership, as portrayed in the book, is the selfless willingness to know that everyone else is a moron and persevere. In the book, this approach is super effective – everyone immediately becomes unquestioningly obedient and loyal.

This would be a good satire of the Super Space Captain Hero Guy trope if there were any hint of wit or humor. As is, its unendurable.

The narrator does okay, given the material.