Look love the narrator’s who did this, everyone who participated did a great job. 1 But even I had a hard time enjoying this book, the main character was built to be an op edgelord (cough cough sauske) who has his lover die only to find a new one in less then a day.

2 the main character gets thrown into a military environment with no training prior and is expected to perform as part of a team he’s never worked with before on top of that he has a startling amount of ability that happen to just appear at the right time and knows how to use them perfectly. 3 I get that these two are topics are touched upon in the book but it seems to me the author that made this is livening a power fantasy with a copy paste character. Here is why

Daily struggle of an immortal…..spoiler for that book past this point you’ll find that both main characters have 1 extreme regeneration,2 both immortal, 3both have different versions of a tentacle like apendagies difference being one is astral one is blood, 4 both have a 3rd person way to see things/can use it to view very far distances, 5 both have ex lovers and find new ones…

Read both and you’ll find similarity between them.