Initially I found the two main female characters to be unbelievable annoying. Eventually they just became a mild irritation to an otherwise interesting story.
The Japanese character kept using “ancestors” as some kind of interjection but as someone who has Japanese family living in Japan, I’ve never heard anyone ever use that kind of exclamation. It took me out of the story each time it was used.
The “love interest” of the Japanese character had to be one of the dumbest characters in history. She would repeatedly say and do things that someone with a 5th grade education wouldn’t do or say. But we’re supposed to believe she ends up in charge? I couldn’t believe she could tie her own shoes let alone become some kind of leader.
Finally as a note to the authors. Please don’t have two engineering type characters with nearly the same name and nearly the same way of speaking. It really becomes confusing.
However if you want something light and Star-trekky this will fit the bill.