Eye of Obscurance (Fate of Wizardoms #1). my sixth read from author Jeffrey L. Kohanek. Well-written with intricately developed characters you can invest heavily in and the storyline with its intricate twists & surprises as the tension & suspense ratchets up throughout the book’s length. 300 pages but reads even longer with the attention to detail written into the story. Kohanek’s fantasy worlds have become one of my favorite fantasy reads. I was impressed and enjoyed the vocal variety & inflections of narrator Travis Baldree . Owning both the Kindle & Audible editions I was able to follow along while being read to. I look forward to reading more in this series. I was given an Audible copy of this book & am voluntarily reviewing it. (RIP Marley January 20, 2014 – July 24, 2018).
Review from Wizardoms: Eye of Obscurance →