I love Cat Sebastian’s books but this was my first time listening to the audio version since my library only gets them in ebook and I got impatient waiting for this one so I bought it for myself. I was a little put off initially by the vibrato in the narrator’s voice but I soon fell in love with the variety of accents/regional dialects. The male love interest, Sydney, has a somewhat lower class northern English accent and I just love it so much. You get so much of who that character is just from his voice.
I loved the main characters as well as the supporting characters. Sydney’s best friend/ ex-boyfriend very much reminded me of Lord Akeldama from Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate series, just blind and not a vampire.
The main couple in this story are both bisexual who happen to fall in love with people of opposite genders and the moment they realize they both have that in common and dont need to keep that part of themselves secret was so sweet. This is a sequel to Unmasking the Marquess but references to that book are pretty minimal and I dont think the reading experience is really harmed by not having read that book first.
Review from A Delicate Deception →