Did the story keep me engaged: yes

Were there any parts I found annoying: not with the story – but it ended more abruptly than I would have liked.

Did I feel an emotional connection to the characters: yes

Would I listen to it again: yes

The fated mates story is a common one for PNR and there is nothing particularly new for Talia and Kirin in that regard – that being said, what makes this book stand out is Alida, the little girl they are both out to save. The book has good pace, interesting characters and an good story line. I would have liked a little more world building, but as the story is only short I expect this will happen as the series comes together.

Heather Costa and Jeffrey Kafer did a great job on the narration. It’s great to have a book where its not just alternate chapters read by alternate narrators but the acutal characters individually narrated no matter when they occur.

Linzi Baxter is a new author for me and I will definitely look for the rest of this series, it is better than i was expecting and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.