These books have been about 1 main character that got picked by a god of an element in a video game and has to compete against 5 other “paladins” to win, and that is ectreemely unfair these books are about a video game but in video games people all get to have a chance to win but this video game only gives this chance to 6 people that the games ai was looking for and it gives these people entire city’s minions vast army’s and if you read or listened to the ember book you would also know that they get a lot more power to theyr affinity than everybody else
so nearly nobody amonxt millions would even get a chance.
So what im wishing for is is that the next book at least shows a way to let normal people have a chance.
Normal people wouldn’t even get a chance as the technology is probably ectreemely ecspencive after all they invested years and billions of dollars into the tecnology
Review from Awaken Online: Dominion →