enjoyed this story very much. I loved Orion and Jenny. In The Dragon’s Treasure we only get glances of Orion and Jenny. I enjoyed the face that we got to explore more of who they are and what they mean to the other players in the Seven Kingdom. I loved Juno and Dolph and I love when an author actually incorporates children in the story when they are a big life of a parents life. There are times where a child is just mentioned but never has page time. I think that is wrong because as a single parent your kid is supposed to be very important to you and when you are dating your kid is involved no matter what.

Jenny was totally a G and so was Orion. They did everything and anything to protect their kingdom. I am happy that Jenny and Carla got to see one another. I was really hoping that they got back together because they were so close but so far the every time of the book. I was screaming to just leave the damn sea to explore the other kingdoms Jenny in order to find your bestie!

Now lets get to Magda. I knew that there was not something right going on with her. I really want her to be saved. I know that there are a lot of things that she has to atone for however I love a good redemption story. I cannot wait to find out how in the world did all that happen to her. What is really going on?