I really love these guys. They are snarky and lots of fun to get to know. Pyro and Callum have almost the worst “how we met…” story ever. It was so much cringing and face palming that it’s very hard to not laugh after the fact. I really adore Pyro he is sweet and love able and just so much that you want to help him find his mate. Callum has a crash course in all things paranormal when he sees these guys I feel for him and way that he has to open his mind to the new reality. I love watching their relationship grow and seeing how they get closer to one another over time. I like that Pyro gives him time to adjust and come to terms with everything he has learned. The two have great chemistry and the bond that grows is undeniable. I thought that the narrator did an amazing job with all of these characters and the passion is evident in the way he brings them to life.
Review from Pyro’s Accidental Shooting →