the overall book was very good though there were some things that I just couldn’t stand. I finished the book though to me the first was great and this was good. this is mostly to deal with a few characters and the ending. I believe there was a lot of good in Lucas in the first dragged down by his late wife death. there was a character in this book that was a psychopathic serial killer and Lucas was siding with her after a day then most of his companions that spent a substantial time with. It was almost all the way through the book before he was siding with his original companions.

Tilith is a piece of work and author gets an A grade for making me hate her. Though why Lucas listened to her is anyone’s guess. Almost all the way through the book I was wondering why Bonnie should put up with Lucas and all his shit. Lucas was a lot more whiny in this episode and yes he was a lot more evil then the first book. I have very little problems with the story arc itself because it flows good and its complete. The way it ended, I was like well… wish fulfillment huh. It actually made me lose motivation to read the next novel.