My big negative with this series….the books are too short!

Seriously, this was a complete stumble upon, but its really been captivatingly good. This Cradle series is one of the few times I leave epic fantasy into what I’d describe as gamer fantasy.

Where the books started and where they are now, has been an incredible growing of a series into what I believe will be a cultish like series in years to come. Each time you think you are approaching the climax, the author is able to bring in aspects to this world that make you feel that you barely scratched the surface. I remember one of the albeit briefly introduced characters in Book 1 who showed up and made me think of him as the ultimate, following the main character to this current point, and realizing just how cleverly the author built his story to this point. (Hard to write reviews without spoilers…huh?)

anyway, definitely a must pick up series. Will not disappoint. Because of the short length of the books, would definitely be good enough for a trans-atlantic or other long-haul flight…or a lengthy drive.