I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy this book/series so much. It certainly wasn’t what I had expected when I half heartedly gave it a chance. The author names each of these books (so far) after a character that is introduced in the book, thus Boxy T. “Morningwood” is the name of the main character (acquired later in the book). That isn’t the unusual part though; Boxy isn’t your normal Hero. In fact he’s more like……no, he “IS” the villain, and he’s a typical dungeon-spawned mimic (basically bottom of the pecking order)……..and he’s a moron……..seriously. He makes for some great laughs and does get smarter throughout the series though. I was fortunate enough to pick this up when there were four books released already, but now (unfortunately) it’s looking like about a year between releases. There are some risque/crude parts to it, but it’s not in a lot of detail and it’s so hard to hold that against it when it keeps you so engaged and eager to find out what happens next. I highly recommend this book, but go into it ready to overlook some crudeness and violence.