In this third installment, Alexa struggles with her new found powers as she navigates through the eternal bond she now shares with Arys, her vampire lover. With nowhere left to turn, she seeks out the counsel of the one person who was set on controlling her and making her his in the first place. As the plot thickens throughout this series, the lines of trust get tested between lovers and friends, and Alexa’s power begins to attract those around her (including her friend Kale, as well as many foes that wish her dead). We get to see a different side of Alexa in this book, as she questions herself and those that surround her, and how she reacts to her blood lust and doing what is right, no matter the consequence. The narration of this series is amazing! Sarah Puckett has done a tremendous performance each time, keeping a continuity of pace and voices throughout each book for a seamless and pleasurable listening experience.