This Book Rocks Way Hard I Absolutely Love Tis New Book Series Well Honestly I Love Everything About This New Book Series Except For The Horrendously Horrible Foul Language They Use In This Book Series. Horrible Curse Words Are Used So Many Times It’s Not Right Lug Kids Could Be Reading This Book Series. Kids & Teenager’s Love Post Apocalyptic Fiction Books. All These Authors Should Know Better & Be Ashamed Of Themselves. They Should Respect People Who Don’t Want To Hear Curse Words Like That Ever. They Need To Release Explicit Versions Of There Books & Audiobook Versions Of Each Of There Book Series’s As Well As a Clean Version Of There Books & Audiobook Versions Of There Book Series’s They Would Sell Alot More Of There Books & Audiobook Versions Of There Books If They Did That. Fit People Of Faith & Just For People That Don’t Ent Curse Words & Foul Language In The Books We Read. Think About That You Would Only Help Yourself & Make Yourself a Lot More Money In Book & Audiobook Sales. If You Think About That It’s Really a Win Win For You Post Apocalyptic Fiction Book Authors Out There. Please We Are a Untapped Market Of Reader’s Please Make Clean Curse Word & Bad Aka Foul Language Free Books& Audiobooks Of Your Book & Book Series’s. If There Wasn’t Any Horrendously Horrible Foul Bad Language In This Book I Would Have Given This Book a Perfect 5 Stars for The Overall Rating Of This Book & i Would Have Given This Book 5 Stars for The Rating Of The Overall Story Of This Book Age Of Embers Book #1 I Did Still Give 5 Stars For Performance Because Kevin Pierce As Always Was Phenomenal & Just Spectacular With His Narration Of This Book!! Kevin Pierce Is By Far The Best Narrator To Ever Narrate any Audiobook In The History Of All Narrator’s That Have Existed. Thank You Kevin Pierce Your So Talented i Have Listened To Almost Every Post Apocalyptic Fiction Audiobook You Have Ever Done. With All Your Different Voices For Each Of The Characters You Really Do Literally Bring Every Single Audiobook You Have Narrated To Life In Such a Spectacular Way Like Nobody Else Ever Could Or Will.