I will not be finishing this series.

In the opening sections of the book you meet a character who is different and less powerful than his peers. It seemed like a standard coming of age story and was a pretty boring session to this point. Then out of nowhere an amazing powerful being comes out and destroys the large group of the strongest beings introduced to this point with no real struggle. During the slaughter of the previously powerful beings, the lowly character decides to try his special trick to try and help power beings and he gets killed by the slaughter. I thought, awesome I did not see that coming and they were going to refocus on another character that was previously in back ground and might be more interesting. Instead, a more powerful being comes, waves a hand and banishes the destroyer, brings back to life all of those who had died, rolls back time and while they cannot see the future they have great insight into the nature of beings and what the future will be. The under powered kid is prognosticated to become powerful enough to destroy a coming beast after many trials. After you meet characters who can roll back time and bring characters back to life it seems irrelevant what else will happen since the god from the machine would just make everything alright if needed.

The redeeming part of the story and why I finished the first book was the narrator was good.