Sarah Puckett is an amazing narrator but I felt like this genre could sometimes use a bit more action or tension than her soft voice produces. She just has such a lovely soothing voice that I dozed off quite a bit without meaning to so maybe that’s why I’m thinking it could use a bit more of an active sounding voice. To be fair, I was and am always tired so maybe I’m just too easily affected due to my illnesses but anyway, for some reason I’d rather have Sarah narrate more the fantasy kind than the contemporary kind of stories because I’m more actively shaping a fantasy world than a rather known world.

The story is great. Mysterious through and through. The story goes back and forth between Lark’s perspection and Raven’s, so two different timelines but woven together so well that it reads as one continuous story.
And because each chapters starts with the name of who’s point of view that chapter will be there’s never a confusion moment. What means we are left with a very clear and interesting story that always keeps you wondering just what, why and how.
I love the storyline and the characters but I did end up with just a little bit too much questions to give the 5 stars. I’m very curious to see how the story will evolve.