Hailey has endured Jason’s antagonizing torment For 6 years. That’s when She an her mother moved in with his father. He’s only her stepbrother, but what did she do to deserve his evil pranks? Why did he hate her so much? Hailey is a strong, sarcastic , stands up for herself. All she wants is to survive her senior year, only to have a prank gone too far. The pranks were first between them, now it’s going viral. Jason is the QB of the Rixen Raiders and his best friend Cameron is one of his teammates. Cameron secretly has a crush on Hailey. Does he betray his friend Jason by seeing Hailey?Cameron has enough pressure on him, football, problems at home, college! This story is about teen angst, jealousy, trust, betrayal, love, sex, revenge and of course football.

Sarah Puckett and Wen Ross narration is wonderful to listen to. They captured every emotion, voice of each person in the story and bringing it to life! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. I was gifted the audio and am offering my honest review.