There is just so much misused gaming terms in these books, it is as if he asked second hand what the meanings of words were and kinda got 80% of the meaning.

So a Twink….. It is NOT and OP low level class. It is specifically a low level character (can be any class) that is purposefully KEPT at a specific low level and geared out in the best gear for that level ONLY for the purposes of PvP at that level. Since in most games you don’t get XP or can turn it off while PvP’ing you can make a geared character and it will be more powerful than standard leveling players. It is in no way OP because in most games where twinks are popular you do this to fight OTHER Twinks… They often build skill trees and stats in a non-standard way because they have a limited number of skill points due to the level cap. SO Twinking a character is buying best in slot items for the current level of the character.

Example: Diablo 2 where “twinking” became popular and widespread, and how Most older gamers learned the term, was a player agreed and imposed lvl 29 cap and was used for dueling. You would make a room with a lvl 29 cap and label it as “Twink Duels”. This was one of the most popular forms of dueling because unlike max level in D2 which would take hours and hours of farming, it cost a significantly less amount of farming to “twink” you character out at level 29 and you could easily duel on a level that required skill and gear.

Or in World of Warcraft, where you would pause your XP gain so that you could fight in the lower level battle grounds farming tokens so that when you hit max levels you could buy out the end game PvP gear. You could also go around the popular leveling areas and kill people as this would also award honor points while waiting for battle ground queues.

So no an OP low level class with strong skills can’t be a twink just because of that and the MC didn’t twink out because he isn’t fully equipped with all the best in slot items for his level. Nor is he trying to do this at any time in the book and a single class can’t be a twink because it requires more than just a class to be a twink.

This is just one such example of an almost correct but still in the end wrong use of gaming terms and to a gamer it is like hearing nails on a chalk board. And it isn’t like just used once he says it over and over and over…. I thus label you Sir Monk, as a NOOB.