I read The Ignored twenty years ago and it has been an all time favorite. But something didn’t work listening to it. The book hasn’t aged well. My reading critically has taken leaps and bounds. The first half of the novel was five stars. Excellent! The latter half, especially the last quarter of the novel didn’t work for me. The novel could have been substantially shorter. Not wanting to provide any spoolers, the last part of the novel seemed like some cobbled together short stories existing in the same mileau. There was a point where the suspension of belief was just impossible and there were some plot points that lacked careful logic.
The performance left a ton to be desired. The clarity and elocution was great, no complaints. The voice though, was awful. The main character is in his twenties, the narrator sounds like an elderly man. And the pathetic tone was off putting. I’d never have imagined this voice. Also, the references to sex sounded amiss due to the narrator’s voice.
I’m not upset I gave it a listen, particularly with the first several chapters. Genius storytelling. But the story didn’t age well and the narration was amiss.
Interesting story in this day and age and I’d like to see a sequel written.
Review from The Ignored →