Neven Iliev continues the story with our favourite mimic but with some new characters and plot twists. The book is long, well written and the pace feels on spot. Even if it is almost 18h it felt short. The voice actors and production really really makes this book stand out, there are fitting sound effects and music, characters that has many simultainious voices etc. It is one of the best I have listened to and many times I just had to rewind and check if it was as good as I first thought.

The new “shiny star” here is Annie Ellicott (that I only new a little from music before) which is very impressive with her different characters and many dialects. She and Jeff makes a very good voice-pair with Jeff´s very smooth and calm voice (and also very funny characters).

As per usual there were a few unexpected performances on par with “Caramelldansen” where I suspect Neven of creating this things especially for Jeff and Annie and for funsies. There is for example a song (“Shiny Star”) with sound effects and all which had me in awe and laughing at the same time which didn’t *had* to be there but was very fun and probably took some time to get just right. It was so good I had to stop the car and wipe tears of joy from my face feeling all choked up from the experience (true story).

Through the book I was thinking of how I will recommend it to friends, want to have people around me who like beautiful english accents listen to some cherrypicked parts and also I want to buy merch like a certain box with a red jewel!

I whole heartedly recommend this book! 6/5 – very tasty and very shiny!