I just finished the Galaxy Outlaws 1-16.5. What a rip roaring fun time that was. Saw this by Mr. Morin and said to myself “self…. this is a sweet deal. It will be soooooo great to get another long series from J.S. and narrated by Naramore to boot!” Well…. I was pretty well and truly wrong on all accounts there. I couldn’t bring myself to get through the first 5 hours of Twinborn book one. Naramour tried to save it. There were just too many instances I found myself saying ” what the $^#&$. No one talks that way. Goblin Generals don’t put up with crap from subordinates. Hardened Army commanders dont cry like little girls. Characters have motivation normally and never say….Why yes… please pass the salt because we like salt. Salt is yummy. ” Just seemed super duper Middle school short story level talent exhibited in the first book. Perhaps the next several editions to the series were better? Not sure. I didnt make it. Was this Morins first published work perhaps? There is a huge disconnect in writing performance between black ocean and the Twin series. Seems almost like 2 different authors, or perhaps 10 years of experience between the sets. “Shrug” I was saddened, to say the least. P.s. I found myself rewriting and editing the work in my head as I listened. Ever do that?