This audiobook has four stories, ‘A Twist and Two Balls’ which is about Eddy and Nuri’s story and ‘Slap and Tickle’ which is Bryan and Phiz’s story. And, after those, there are two shorter stories that revisit these couples, ‘Nice and Snow’ and ‘Smack Happy’.

A Twist and Two Balls’ is delightful. It begins with Nuri chasing Eduardo, when Eduardo runs off without paying his cab’s fare. Not your usual meet cute 😛

I really enjoyed this story, with the ups and downs on their personal and working lives, and I LOVE Nury’s family. I love how fiercely loyal they are, how they are there for each other. I simply love it.

Slap and Tickle is a whole different beast. And I’ll be honest, I usually don’t read kink stories, because habitually., they are all about sex, and that’s not my cup of tea. This story, though? This story is all about feelings, about acceptance and about finding yourself and what’s right for you. I fell in love with the characters and their story ♥

Nice and Snow is a Christmas’ story and it’s magical. In every sense of the word 😀

Smack Happy is a Valentine’s Day story, and the present Phiz gives Brian. Guess what is the present? Yes, you guessed right XD

A fabulous collection, truly delightful.

Now, Joel Leslie. The first time I listen to an audiobook by him (Curl Up and Dye Series) I loved him. But then, I listened to another series (In Darkness), and then a third one (Mixed Messages) and all the characters sound exactly the same. Which bothers me, a lot. And when you are listening to a collection with two different MCs, is even worst. So, yes, I understand why there are people who love his narrations, he IS good. But not versatile, and that’s a big dealbreaker for me.