I love epic fantasy, this is epic fantasy, but not a very good one for my taste. The caracters are not deep enough, and not real enough. The story is rushed and full of technical magic words, of how this magic works and how does that works. but not in a way that is fun to follow, not in a way that makes a lot of sense like with The Wheel of time or Mistborn. Im actually very surprise on how many positive reviews in this book, its possible that it has cought the eye of a more younger audience that does not need characters are that so deep?

My advice, check out Lightbringer, super deep story and caracters. Like famous books like Stormlight archive, Mistborn, The wheel of time. Anyways, I finished the first one just because of the good reviews and I was wondering if it would get any better.

I would explain more of why I didnt like it, but Im afraid of having to give spoilers for that, so I hope this is enough.
