Apocalypse Machine
Jeremy Robinson
• One of the best novels I’ve ever read. ( or listened to)
This book shows Jeremy Robinson expanding his story telling skills. His story ideas are pushing farther out than most other authors. He’s taking us to places that are uniquely new, and this novel shows him to be the king of the KAIJU book genre.
• Extremely interesting & exciting novel. Creative. Mind-blowing. Genius. Jeremy Roboinson is taking the Kaiju ( giant monster ) idea to a supernatural tale that fits the KAIJU idea better than his other books.
• Best Kaiju tale since the first PACIFIC RIM film, or the SHIN Godzilla movie.
• A good reader who doesn’t get in the way of the story – one of the best readers being used by many authors on audbile.com
• The story unfolds at a fast pace. One exciting moment after another. No pause, no slow scenes, no filler. Just one important story beat after the next. You are pulled along with a heart-pounding momentum to an ending that made my eye’s become as emotionally wet as a big-eyed anime character.
One of Jeremy Robinson Very best yet!