I feel like this series has potential, but there were a few issues that could be fixed. This is a world where old people are sent to live in virtual realities to cease being a drain on society. Ethan thought his wife had died but he learns from a shady character that his wife is really in a video game basically being sleeping beauty until Ethan can level up and rescue her, so he enters early retirement to be with her. Thus, all the player characters are old people but they’re young again – and yet none of the characters really felt like they were actually octogenarians. Also, Ethan’s wife was apparently a professional gamer, yet he knows absolutely nothing about video games. You are telling me in the 30+ years he’s been married his wife never taught him the term “xp” or any other basic terms? This unbelievable level of naivete was annoying. He would also make really annoying decisions which all added up to me not liking him very much. The world has potential, but with the incredibly short run time of this book there is barely time for any plot. It felt like the characters were plunked into the world to just go exist. Around the last 30 minutes of the book I concluded there was no way to have a satisfying ending because there simply wasn’t enough time left. Maybe the next installment can fix some of the issues- it isn’t without hope of improvement. I just found myself frustrated with this entry.