This is the romantic story of Biil and Mace. It’s a tough one, and the love is hard won.

Characters from previous books are featured, and move the plot along beautifully. Christopher, Snow, Lee, Jones, and Poe all have their parts to play.

The Marks family is not as defunct as believed, and their plans are to re-accquire Snow, and end the Manos family. New characters are introduced, some we love to hate.

Four stars are because there is some malicious torture included. Not because it’s “needed,” but because it brings pleasure to the sadistic character. Torture is a *squick* for me. It’s not graphic enough for me not to listen to the book, but there is enough for a warning.

Narrator team Philip Alces and Joel Leslie nail this dark tale so well. I love it when they work together, and they are a Five star performance all the way.