I was so excited to get the final Arden St. Ives story. I feel like after I was introduced to Arden, I just had to know where his and Caspian’s story goes. Book 1, amazing. Joel Leslie had me with tears in my eyes laughing so hard. Book 2, getting to know Ellory more and how Caspian and Arden’s relationship is changing Caspian, interesting. This book . . . so disappointing. After waiting for almost a year, I will say this was like pulling teeth to get me to finish this. The author let me down. They spent more time on the outside conflict, so when it was time for the MCs to get back together, there was pretty much no time left in the book. The only saving grace is Joel Leslie is amazing and I love when he is the narrator. This is disappointing in general, because I know Alexis Hall is an amazing author. I feel maybe they didn’t know where they were going with the story and after having the publish date pushed back so much, they may not have had the muse to write their wanted story. I still recommend the author and definitely book 1 of the Arden St. Ives books. But I’d say skip this one.