I’ve had a hard time with this review and rating. There’s parts I really really liked but there’s parts that irritated me to the point that I considered not finishing it. Honestly, if I were reading rather than listening, I probably would not have read past the prologue.

In the prologue, Ariel is 7 and talking to her father. It should have been a sweet scene showing where her love for tattooing comes from. I have a 7 year old, this was written like she was maybe 3. That’s not a good first impression and put a sour taste in my mouth for continuing.

The overall storyline was really good. It was intriguing and a little suspenseful. The details are lacking however. A lot seems glossed over or brushed aside. Some of Ariel and Dillon’s actions and reactions rubbed me the wrong way or irritated me.

The narration by Sarah Puckett and Connor Brown was my favourite part. They both gave great performances and complimented each other well.
