Ugh, this was the worst narrator ever. The story however, was engaging, fun, unique, mysterious and not at all cliched; well, except for the absolutely horrible romance scenes. Those were like a parody of the worst over-acted Captain Kirk scenes, except that the parody took itself seriously. The author must be single and quite possibly, he’s never even spoken to a woman before (just kidding). Still, those scenes are short, pointless, and if you can’t endure them, you can easily skip 30 seconds ahead on your phone until the pain is over, and the story resumes. The space battles, and suspense are amazing. The world is appropriately fleshed out, but not excessively so as Brandon Sanderson might do. I enjoyed book 1, and here’s the kicker! Book 2 is way better! It’s narrator is fantastic, the story is 100% more fun, and I’m hooked on the series now. Book 1 is clean of cursing, but the romance scenes include unnecessary ogling of female anatomy. (aka, “he noticed her breasts rising and falling beneath her shirt…not exactly in those words, but you get the point.”) Again, it’s short and easily skipped. So, this is pretty clean for young teens.