Hats off to an actor that can take on multiple accents and read them well.
I am glad I had the audio along with the book. Joel made the story take a life of its own. The characters of Mike Rose, Scotsman and Luke Fox, Aussie, jumped off the pages. He even made the voice of the older boss, Garth Moore, sound crusty and craggy, perfect for a crusty “retired” Marine.
This was a continuation of the ICE series, book two. You don’t have to read the first book to enjoy this one but you’ll get a bit more background of the clandestine ICE organization in “Hunt for Evil”. Be assured, there are no cliffhangers.
Body Shot follows Henrietta “Henri” Soaring-Eagle Anderson. She is of the Paiute Tribe, her mother being a Paiute.
She joined the army and soon was a part of a Delta Force CT unit.
Omar Fadli was an assassin who pinned Henri with the hit on the Iranian ambassador. (Joel’s middle eastern accent is spot on, too). All of her team were killed and she spent two years in prison on trumped up charges. She was released and made an offer to join an elite group of security consultants.
ICE wants her bad enough because she is one of the best snipers in the world. On a bet with Garth, Mike Rose goes to the states to convince Henri to join ICE.
Mike and Henri burn up the pages both in tracking the enemy and with each other. This was a good continuation of this series. I’m looking forward to reading about the Aussie, Luke Fox.