I had really enjoyed this series, before listening to this book. I admit that there were a couple of events that I didn’t like, before this book, but none that turned my opinion like some of the events in this book.
( SPOILER ALERT, Stop here if you don’t want to know)

At the end of the last book, I thought it was messed up that the author decided to kill off Ivy, Ethan’s wife, however, I wasn’t disgusted by it until the alternate reality was revealed, in this book. Prior to Ivy, all the killings were committed to individuals who had wronged the family, in some way. Yes, in real life it is never moral to kill someone in the name of revenge. However, in the literary mafia world, revenge in the name of your family is expected. However, Ivy had not betrayed the family, she had been f***** over her entire life. She truly loved Ethan and was a caring person. She did not come across as weak, to me, and the way Ethan and his co-monster talked about her and took advantage of her situation, turned my stomach. I guess I need a little bit of goodness in the lead character to enjoy the book. I also was disgusted by the way Ethan felt no shame in killing innocent children. This detracted from the story, not added to it.
I really have no interest in continuing with this series, although I’m kinda hoping that Karma bites Ethan and his new wife, in the ass and I hope the rest of the family turns their back them. ( yes, I know it’s a fictional book. However, it’s supposed to be romance not a true crime novel)
-V from Kansas