All told this is a very good series so far. Kevin Pierce is as always, a fantastic narrator. I think the development of the main villain and his sidekick was a little odd, like the author couldn’t quite flesh out the character or the relationship between them and the main character. So it came off as rushed and a bit of a stretch. The biggest problem I had was the “bad guy doesn’t quite die” thing. That’s old and been done way too many times so the author could have been a little less predictable or maybe I have just read too many books in this genre. There are better ways to create suspense than drawing out the death of the bad guy(s), That said, this is a decent series and I hope the story evolves. Author can get a little preachy sometimes and in the beginning I could accept that as a normal response from ordinary people in obviously extraordinary circumstances. But re-examining their moral compass during every encounter is a little much. I’m going to stick with the series for now, want to see where it goes. This has some great potential. It really does. I recommend it so far.